Monday, July 20, 2009

If I had my way, I would have a massive greenhouse/garden/orchard/pond with a variety of plants and trees. I would have no obligations in life other than caring for my garden (and, of course, taking the occasional picture). Unfortunately, I don't have my way. I love plants, but have very little time for them. I'm always acquiring more plants than I can look after properly; then I'm fated to watch them suffer from lack of water, food, space or attention. I also form emotional attachments to plants and trees. Not a day goes by when I don't miss the elm, willow, pear trees, cherry tree, Norfolk pine, poppies, etc. that I left behind in SK.

Knowing all of this, I decided to only bring a couple of my favorite houseplants to Ottawa. This living situation is temporary, so I vowed not to acquire any new plants for the yard. This vow lasted all of 30 seconds once I got near a garden centre.

These are mallow flowers. When I bought the plant, it had a plethora of geometrically interesting buds. I thought it would be fun to follow the evolution of these buds with my camera. I didn't really have a chance... These buds open fast. The buds evolve into saucer-sized flowers, literally overnight. The flowers remind me of the hibiscus I saw in Costa Rica. I haven't seen flowers like this in Canada before.

Unfortunately, the mallow fell victim to a storm with violent wind and rain. The plant is still alive, but the stalk with all of the flowers and buds was snapped right off and didn't rejuvenate or grow roots when I put it in a glass of water.

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