As soon as the measuring was done, I grabbed the camera. I wasn't hoping for too much given the lighting conditions. I know the photo isn't perfect - I must have been using the "super macro with LED" function on my camera as there is reflection from the flower petals and the leaves have an unnatural green glow. Nonetheless, I was quite pleased with the results. In fact, I ended up having a print made of this photo to hang on my wall. I had never really taken notice of caragana flowers before.
I debated long and hard about removing this photo from Red Bubble. It had the least views of any of my photos currently on the site, but it is the first Red Bubble reject that had been favorited by someone. I know that some people are quite liberal with their photo 'favoriting', but it still seemed kind of mean to remove someone's 'favorite' photo. I ended up removing the photo... After all, as I become a better photographer, and as I become more well-known on the site, a higher proportion of my photos will probably be 'favorited'. If I leave them all on Red Bubble forever, I risk ending up with one of those 200-page profiles I am trying to avoid.
This photo was teetering on the brink of Red Bubble elimination even before I left Saskatoon. I decided that I would try to take a better photo of the caraganas with my DSLR and macro lens to replace it. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to it the caraganas had finished blooming.
Spring and summer are far too transient. Right now, I am especially goaded by the fact that it is summer and I'm in an exciting new city, but I'm always either stuck at work or at my desk studying for exams. There isn't nearly enough time for photography or enjoying life in general.
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