These are cone flower buds. I'm waiting for an opportunity to photograph the open blooms, because they're actually quite interesting. The ones in my yard are yellow, but there are some amazing purple ones with orange centres that I pass every day on my way to work. I would love to take the camera and photograph them... especially right after an early evening thunderstorm when the petals are still wet and the sun has come out, leaving dark ominous clouds in the background. I have the shot all planned out, as you can tell... but it probably won't happen. It would seem fairly odd for me to be crawling around a stranger's yard with my camera!
My photography has been kind of limited lately - mostly because I won't have time to go anywhere interesting until after my exams in September. I have all kinds of interesting things around me, but I feel self-conscious taking photos in the yard with the neighbours around. They're fairly nice people, but I've noticed the world is dichotomously split: one half thinks it's cool to crawl around photographing flowers and insects with a humongous camera and lens... the other half thinks it's utter lunacy. No matter their feelings on the matter, people seem compelled to stop and make comments, or sometimes just gawk. Today I was pulling weeds in the garden and photographing wasps. As soon as I heard the neighbours drive up, the cats and I packed up and retreated inside. We really are a reclusive bunch.
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