This flower looks like an origami flower to me. I was never any good at origami... My paper swans and cranes end up looking like genetic mutants. I tried to fold a beetle once... The result looked very much like a beetle - one that had been squashed under someone's shoe!
Whenever I'm studying for an exam, my general knowledge is always broadened much more than my knowledge of the topic I am trying to study. I feel compelled to sit at my desk, tethered to the computer... so I find myself procrastinating by looking up all kinds of random things.
While studying for my internal medicine exams a couple of years ago, I played a lot of online chess. I can't do that now... I use Linux, which means my computer is basically incompatible with everything, unless I want to get a PhD in jargonese to figure out what people on Linux forums are actually trying to say. My laptop is also antiquated now... Most chess programs send it into an infinite, overheated spool. But I did waste a bit of time looking up chess programs for Linux the other day... I found myself reading two rather complicated articles on game theory... interesting, but over my head. Of course this meant I had to look up and read a few simpler articles. I ended up reading about the history of rock-scissors-paper.
I met someone from Lybia last week, and it occurred to me that I know nothing about Lybia. This prompted a visit to Wikipedia, and from there a lengthy jaunt around the 'net.
While procrastinating on Red Bubble, I discovered someone who does origami on a very tiny scale... I was quite impressed by these
sub-centimeter ducks. After seeing this, I decided to google-search 'micro origami', hoping to find more of the same. Instead, I found things like
this. You can imagine how that took me off on an entirely new tangent.
I've been feeling too stressed out and guilty to go out and take photos... but with the amount of time I spend procrastinating on the internet, some photography would be healthier and easier on the eyes!