The whole time I was studying for my exams, I told myself that if I passed, I could start taking photos again. Photography was like the special toy (or often ironicallly candy) that I got for enduring a trip to the dentist as a kid. I should have known that right at the time I could start taking pictures again, my computer would get messed up. We switched our operating system around just as my 24/7 tech support (ie. my husband) left for a month. The photo management system I have been using does not like the new OS very much. I spent my whole day off today trying to find different photo management software. I may have finally found a solution, but certainly not an ideal one. Editing and posting my photos was hard enough on an antique, memory deficient laptop with buggy software. It's going to be a lot more difficult from now on, if it's even possible at all. I took over 400 photos last weekend and had a bunch picked out for further editing and posting. Now, in the best case scenario, I get to do all of that over again.
But enough whining, I guess. Back to the photo at hand. What could be more quintessentially Canadian than a maple leaf? I'm sad that fall is here, but the trees sure are amazing. These maple leaves were even more spectacular a couple of weeks ago when they were bright red and yellow around the edges with patches and veins of green in the centre. Now, the leaves that have changed color tend to be pure yellow, orange or red with no residual green. I hope to take many more photos of the fall trees in the next few days. Whether I'm able to extract them from my camera and get them into postable form is another matter entirely.
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