Believe it or not, this ladybug photo was taken in mid November. I don't think I've ever seen a ladybug in November before. She was kind of a deep rust color rather than the usual bright red, and blended in nicely with the woodchips in my yard. I got a few shots of her taking off and flying, but none were in sharp enough focus to consider posting. There's one that came very close... I may post it later on if I get desperate for material. I always see crisp shots of insects in flight and wonder how on earth the photographer has managed to pull it off... A million monkeys banging away at a million typewriters, I guess.
Graem has done some fiddling with my computer in the past few days, and I now have access to the 1TB drive where all of my photos from before June 2009 are stored! This means I'll be revamping my Red Bubble profile in the next little while. It's something I've been waiting to do. I'll be removing a few photos (the ones I don't like, the ones I'm sick of, and the ones that no longer represent my best work). This will mean removing a few of my most popular photos from the site. I'll be adding some of my favorite photos from this blog to my Red Bubble profile, just to get them more exposure and see how they fare there. Some of my favorite photos have been buried in the archives of this blog where nobody ever sees them.
I've been looking at a lot of other photoblogs and other people's photography sites, and in my more ambitious moments, I envision a radical redesign for Sun Goes Boom. In reality, it probably won't happen... I have no computer skills and frankly no desire to learn. Blogger provides a conveniently easy (if not ideal) template.
Posts here might be sparse for the next while... I have only a couple of "oldies" stored up, and won't be taking many new shots until work starts being kinder and I get my head screwed on right again.
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