I have had a chance to fire off a few snapshots of the newest member of our family. His name is Tuk. He came to us under bizarre circumstances on New Year's Day. He's an interesting cat, and one with impeccable taste (he likes tomatoes and avocado).
The other cats have adjusted to Tuk surprisingly well... Moosh seems happy to have another fuzzy cat around and Jackie is more playful than I have seen him since he got sick. After a few nights of constant yeowling, Synder has stopped trying to evict Tuk from his territory.
I'm not sure why he was given the name 'Tuk'. I call him Tuktoyaktuk, which seems fitting as he has a long, thick coat and big fuzzy paws, suitable for an arctic cat. Maybe he's named after the "Tuk-Tuk", a kind of motorized rickshaw in Thailand... Maybe he is named after Friar Tuck. Whatever the origin of his name, I hope he's a good luck omen for 2010.
I have my fingers crossed for some new photos this weekend.
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