Saturday, July 11, 2009

In Saskatoon, my house was steps away from the river. I'm fairly close to the river in Ottawa too, only now "close" means about 5km. Last weekend Graem and I endeavoured to walk there. On the way, we stumbled into a botanical garden. This is where we found almost every kind of columbine imaginable. Columbines are among my favorite flowers. I was disappointed that I only had the 50mm lens and the wide angle with me, but I still managed to get a few shots. If it wasn't such a long walk, and if I wasn't lazy, I would have gone back home for the macro lens.

I had a dream a few months ago where I was taking photos with a tilt-shift lens in a field of red tulips. Ever since then, I've been eager to take (or attempt) such a shot. Graem says we'll have to go to Holland one day for me to do that. I don't have a tilt-shift lens, and the tulips are finished blooming. I do, however, have a lensbaby, and there is a nice patch of foxgloves at the garden that might allow for improvisation.

I should be studying for my exams right now, but it will take a lot of willpower to keep me away from the botanical garden on my next sunny day off!

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